Who are the Best Providers of Towing Services in San Jose?

old and dilapidated towing truck The best towing service san jose drivers call to provide assistance in case of roadside emergencies are those well reputed to be efficient and at the same time eco-friendly. A good reputation includes having “climate change” awareness, by not using outdated tow trucks. In San Jose and across the entire state of California, there’s a concerted effort to eliminate transport-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Help California Reduce GHG by Using the Services of Eco-Friendly Towing Companies

Based on studies of California’s GHG pollution, the multitude of transportation equipment including the tow trucks that provide roadside assistance, account for about 50 percent. Emissions also include 90% diesel-related particulate matter pollution and 80% nitrogen oxide pollution.

The best providers of towing services and roadside assistance in San Jose use state-of-the-art technology and eco-friendly equipment. Generally, the towing truck and equipment mechanisms are efficiency-enhancing to ensure faultless and timely responses to calls for roadside assistance. This means customers do not have to endure hours of waiting to be rescued, while sitting stressed and worried on the roadside.

Another aspect that sets apart the best towing company from other towing services providers in San Jose, is their reliability. Having a well-maintained fleet of tow trucks and equipment geared for top-notch services ensures and assures customers calling for roadside or emergency assistance that they will receive the most efficient services.

San Jose’s Climate Actions Include Enlisting Artists to Help Achieve Climate Goals

climate art actionsIn light of the massive traffic and transport activities that take place daily in San Jose’s highways, roads and bridges, the city has enlisted local artists, culture makers who regularly participate in cultural programs and creative producers of films, to help the city attain its visionary and ambitious climate goals. Through The San José Climate Art Program, the city aims to become carbon neutral in 2030 by reducing GHG emissions in its atmosphere.

Reference to San Jose’s carbon-neutral goal means maintaining a balance between carbon emissions and carbon absorption transpiring in the city’s atmosphere.
The San José Climate Art Program is currently inviting fifteen (15) artists, culture makers and creative producers to assist the city in building community support for the 2030 carbon-neutrality goal.

They will be known as Environmental Resilient Artist Cohorts who will receive a monthly stipend of $5k each. Their tasks include developing measures and promoting the adoption of artistic practices that will make the city more resilient to climate change. The deadline for submission of applications is on February 04, 2024.