Oftentimes, people are opting to display art right in their home primarily for aesthetics. However, according to recent studies, it showed that engaging with visual art can help in a lot of things such as improving:
- Memory
- Stress
- Empathy
The best part, this is either you are just looking at the art or creating one personally.
Everything’s Backed by Science
Like what has been mentioned, there are numerous benefits that you can get by simply viewing art. According to University of Westminster, they have conducted a study wherein all participants who have visited the art gallery during lunch break reported to feel less frantic and stressed after the event. It has been seen as well that they had lower stress hormones and cortisol. What’s more surprising, all of this was just after spending 35 minutes roaming around the gallery.
The New Love Drug?
Looking at artworks also gives enjoyment to people that’s similar to the feeling of falling in love. As per Semir Zeki, a neurobiologist, 28 volunteers’ brains were scanned as they were looking at artworks and immediately noticed a sudden increase in dopamine. This is a type of chemical that’s related to pleasure and love.