Being able to find and choose the right gallery is synonymous to being in the right relationship partner. As such, locating compatible match for your growing assets is very important. In addition to that, much like everything in life-relationship, there is no one-answer fits all. Every artist has unique and specific needs.
Here are few of the things that you need to be mindful about when in the process of selecting galleries.
Number 1. Commercial Gallery
With regards to this kind of gallery, it is oftentimes choosy with regards to the artists. In most cases, a partnership is developed between the gallery and the artists where the gallery is offering to market the artist’s work to the public carefully.
Number 2. Blue Chip Gallery
When talking about Blue Chip Gallery, expect that from the client lists, sales price, commission rates, guest curators, exhibition partners and in-house artists will reflect to the premiere title.
Number 3. Consignment Shop or Consignment Gallery
As a matter of fact this is a spin-off of the commercial gallery.
This has income that is generated by the retail stores of most kinds of work that might come from different kinds of artists.
While high-end commercial galleries do include selected number of artists, the consignment gallery has quite a lot. This serves as well the perfect spot for aspiring artists.